
Table of Contents


This page exists, only because it should. :-)


All Rights Reserved.

(All ideas contained herein are mine, Mine, MINE. ALL MINE! Unless,of course, the ideas are wrong. In which case: I'm not responsible for any use, misuse or abuse of information supplied at this site. You're on your own, buddy. :-)


Although I do make a half-hearted attempt to see that the information at this site is correct, I have no control over the content of any other sites to which some of my links point. I don't even guarantee that such links work or supply any useful information. (For that matter, my site probably doesn't have any useful information either.)

Use this site at your own risk!


Most of these pages have been created by a free scripting package called Frontier. It uses a language like Perl in a Smalltalk type of environment. If you develop your web pages on the Mac, I'd highly recommend it. (If not, they're working on a Windoze port...)


Some images come with Netscape Gold and Claris Home Page. (Although I sometimes use them to build pages quick and dirty, I eventually script them under Frontier; but the images are still worth using.) If you want to use those images, please buy the appropriate license from Netscape or Claris.

All of the family pictures on this site are either copyrighted by us, or they have been used with the express permission of the photographer. Some other images and icons I have created for my own purpose. Please do NOT copy them without talking to us first.


The "QBullet" package is copyright 1995 by Matterform Media. Although free, you may not alter them in any way.

I also have a boatload of really nice icons from Rutgers University. These are free and in the Public Domain. You may want to get the latest directly from them.

On some pages I display the blue ribbon from the Electronic Frontier Foundation to show my support for efforts to combat censorship.

Free Speech Online

This page is maintained by mailto:Mike Geipel.

Last modified on Wed, Mar 19, 1997;
© Copyright 1995-1997 by Mike Geipel; All Rights Reserved.